Cybersecurity for marketers... and beyond (7 recommendations)

Cybersecurity for marketers... and beyond (7 recommendations)3 min read

Well, there is hardly a better time to talk about cyber security.

We live in a digital age where we exchange huge amounts of the risk of some miscreant "surprising" us from a click away 🐱💻

I still remember the morning phone call from an acquaintance of mine, who in a worried voice almost shouted - "I've been hacked! Facebook is running ads from my account!"

It turned out to be popular SCAM with acting - Super Mario! That's right, users see ads for a supposedly new game featuring the Italian plumber, but when they click through, instead of getting it, they allow strangers access to their Ads account (the place from which we manage ads).

This is far from the only example of cyber danger, just think about how relevant the topic is right now for us marketers. We use dozens of platforms, social media, profiles and confidential information on a daily basis.

And yes, there are steps we can take to help ourselves, and I'm going to share (or remind you of) a few - some of them recommended by Atos (who just opened their own cyber security center in Sofia), others are adapted from my personal experience.

1 - Protect your identity and passwords

  • Choose length over complexity to make your passwords stronger (❗)
  • Use unique passwords and do not share or write them down.
  • Rotate your passwords when you have any suspicions of a breach.

2 - Protect your devices

  • Disable telephone communication when not needed. Your phone doesn't just communicate by voice, but also with satellites, WiFi systems, Bluetooth and NFC devices.
  • Use Antimalware to protect your devices and systems, including your smartphones.
  • Beware of passively collecting smartphone data when choosing your operating system.

3 - Choose your applications wisely

  • Accepting trackers means accepting to share your data, in particular your in-app behaviour.
  • Do applications really need access to your communications, address book or storage? Permissions allow companies to accumulate data about you, so limit them where possible.
  • Cookies, microphone and camera access: which sites have access to them? Be careful what you accept to share.

4 - Make sure you surf the web safely

  • Always use HTTPS! Some browsers allow you to enable the "Always use a secure connection" setting. It will automatically upgrade to HTTPS whenever possible.

5 - Protect your documents

  • Encrypt your most sensitive documents before uploading them

6 - Write your homework

  • Periodically review your settings and reset the permissions granted, in particular for browser cookies and access to GPS, microphone and camera.
  • Check for credential leaks, e.g. "Have I been pwned"

7 - Think about social networks too!

And the most important reminder might be - read carefully! That Super Mario SCAM I mentioned to you earlier actually asks users if they "would share access to their ads account", but we know very well that "patience" has not been one of our strongest traits for a long time.

Well, if you think that these recommendations would help someone you know, even if they are "non-marketers", feel invited to share them.

That's it for now, see you soon! Until then, safe browsing! ❤️

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