Monthly events for networking, knowledge and inspiration in marketing.

Sofia Marketing Meetups stimulates the sharing of knowledge and ideas between people interested in marketing and business. Each event combines a mix of an interview with a guest expert, short discussions in selected topics, an introductory part by the presenters and interaction with the participants.

Our host

Registrations open soon!

Our partners

Softuni Digital - Sofia Marketing Meetups

A culture of sharing (that's why our motto is "Share first, sell later")

Super concrete examples of success and hard workfacts aboutguest experts

You leave with knowledge, friendships and smiles :)

Event presenters

Etienne Yanev

Trainer and consultant in digital marketing, AI and personal branding. Lecturer at Softuni Digital and NBU.

Ivelina Hadjiyska

Marketing professional with many years of experience in the technology sector. Speaker, innovator, strategist.

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