
Tag: bloomberg

Etienne Yanev and Antonia Parapanova for the last edition of RANEPA Summer International

RANEPA Summer International is the largest student campus in the world. Its theme this year focused on innovations that could solve some of the most basic UNESCO issues such as pollution, poverty, etc. More about the event was told by Etienne Yanev - PR and Marketing Specialist, and Antonia Parapanova - Entrepreneur and Founder of...
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Etienne Yanev on the rich in football and financial fair play

WATCH! Description. Fortunately or unfortunately for football fans, there are now many influential figures who bought many of the leading clubs and started pouring billions. That's what Etienne Yanev, a marketing expert, said on Bloomberg TV Bulgaria's Investbook with host Alexander...
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Etienne in bloomberg

How we market in the world of IoT

Etienne Yanev and Petko Bosakov in "In Development", 10.02.2017 on technological advances and their impact on marketing, trade and consumers in the show "In Development" with Veronika Denizova. WATCH! Subscribe to the marketing newsletter! Be part of 5000+ people getting actionable marketing strategies, AI apps, events and courses. Name Email SUBSCRIBE You...
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